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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Big Brother: A Jordan wannabe, two bisexuals, a one-eyed amputee... thank God this is the last ever series

In they go: Bisexual Corin, a Katie Price wannabe from Stockport, and, right, Caoimhe (pronounced Kee-va), a 22-year-old student and DJ from Dublin who also has 'lesbian tendencies'

A bisexual Katie Price doppelganger, a squatter who lives on discarded food and a former soldier who lost both his legs and an eye have entered the Big Brother house as the final series kicks off.

The group of 13 housemates, plus a wild-card fourteenth contestant, chosen from a pool of 81 hopefuls, also included a born-again Christian minister and a Beyonce lookalike with a 30G bust.

Contestants learned they had been successful live on TV during the launch programme hosted by Davina McCall last night.

Scroll down to see housemates' profiles...

Seven men and seven women were chosen to take part in the 11th series of the reality show, which is being dropped by Channel 4 after the summer.

Each is aiming to make their mark and enjoy their few weeks in the spotlight with the hope of riches and fame.

As usual the show will have its twists. Unknown to the intake of wannabes, the winner of the series in 11 weeks' time will then immediately take part in a further two-week series featuring stars from previous shows.

And last night, along with the main 13, a further housemate was selected - by tombola - to secretly take part in the series as a 'mole'.

Making an entrance: Beyonce lookalike Rachel was the fourth person to enter the house tonight with Josie, right, the first in

It's all kicking off: Big Brother host Davina McCall with Josie

The extra contestant will be set secret missions and will have to live undetected - despite being dressed as a mole. If he is discovered he will be ejected from the show.

The show started with the 81 hopefuls eagerly standing outside the Big Brother house in Hertfordshire hoping to bag a place in the house.

First to be selected was 25-year-old financial sales rep Josie, who ran into the house screaming.

She was shortly followed by 40-year-old Steve, a double amputee and former serviceman who was injured by a bomb in Belfast in 1989, losing both legs and an eye.

Making the grade: Former serviceman and double amputee Steve and, right, Jack the lad Nathan, a trainee joiner from West Yorkshire

Mayhem: Crowds outside the house cheered and booed as the contestants made their way in

Third to enter was posh boy Benjamin, a 30-year-old writer and broadcaster from London and staunch Conservative supporter.

He was followed by Beyonce lookalike Rachel, 23, from Nottingham, who works as a professional impressionist of the star as well as being a hairdresser.

The fifth housemate selected was Nathan, a 25-year-old Jack the lad and trainee joiner from West Yorkshire.

He was followed by 39-year-old Christian minister David from South Wales who entered the house laughing, dressed in a full monk outfit.

Dreaming of fame: Professional dancer Ife, who has performed with Cheryl Cole, struts her way into the house in a LBD and, right medical student Yvette, aka Sunshine

Settling in: The newly selected housemates get cosy in their new home

Caoimhe (pronounced Kee-va) was announced as the seventh housemate, a 22-year-old student from Dublin.

'Bi-curious' Govan, a 21-year-old voluntary worker from Leicester, was the next to be told he had been selected.

Filmmaker Shabby, a lesbian from London, was the ninth from the shortlist to be picked. She lives in a squat and is a former child actress who appeared in Black Beauty and lost out to Lindsay Lohan for the starring role in Parent Trap.

Number ten was Ife, a 25-year-old professional dancer from Milton Keynes, who insists she is no wannabe.

Pick me: The wanabes await their fate outside the Big Brother house in Hertfordshire

Host: Davina takes a tour around the house at the start of the programme

She danced with Cheryl Cole during her live performance on the X Factor of Fight For This Love last year.

John from Melbourne, Australia, was next up, a 24-year-old ladies' man who thinks he is a bit of a ringer for David Beckham.

At the age of 20 he changed his name to Achilles - his friend's called him Chills - but he soon changed it back

Getting a place: Tory supporter Ben from London, left, and Christian minister David, dressed in a monk's outfit

Check us out: Australian David Beckham lookalike John and, right, bi-curious Govan, a voluntary worker from Leicester who loves London

He entered the housing exclaiming: 'F*** me, it's the wizard, it's the wizard.'

Yvette, who also likes to be known as Sunshine, came as the 12th hopeful to bag a place. She is a 24-year-old medical student from Peterborough.

With one year left of her medical degree, she has taken a year out to study medical journalism in London.

Drama: Shabby, a squatter from London is told she has a place in the house and, right, Mario 'the mole' was selected by tombola as the wild-card 14th contestant

Face of shock: Corin learns she has been chosen from the pool of hopefuls

Unlucky for some, but Katie Price wannabe Corin from Stockport was the thirteenth housemate to be announced.

The 29-year-old permatanned retail worker confesses her dream job would be working as a PA for a famous celebrity.

Finally a 14th wild card contestant, Mario, was selected at random by tombola draw and was sent into the house dressed as a mole.

Hopefuls who didn't make it into the house included disgraced Miss England star Rachel Christie, the niece of sportsman Linford Christie, and Sarah Burge, dubbed the 'human Barbie' on account of her £500,000 worth of cosmetic surgery.

Tombola time: Davina reveals there will be a 14th housemate, selected by a draw

Delighted: Mario beat the odds of a one in 68 chance to gain the last place after the original 13 housemates were sent in

Here are the hopefuls who will bring the action to the house...

The Girls

Caoimhe (pronounced Kee-va)

The feisty student describes herself as a "fag hag" and still lives at home with her mum and dad. She is desperate to leave home and the suburbs so that she can go out more. As a child she claims to have been an ugly uni-browed loner, but aged 20 she went to live in Spain for two years - and came back more mature and fluent in Spanish.

Age: 22.

From: Dublin.

Occupation: Student.

Love Life: She says she could fancy a woman but claims to be great at seducing men, saying: "I just strut my stuff and heads turn". Caoimhe is currently seeing someone - but says it is going nowhere.

Likes: Caoimhe DJs locally and her mum calls her 'her favourite slapper'.

Dislikes: Snobbery and people who look down on others because of their job, status or work.

Why She Will Annoy Us: She believes that cooking and cleaning are beneath her.


Josie is already a celebrity of her own making in her local area, where she says everyone knows and loves her. The self-styled life and soul of the party's exploits have included mooning at a monk in Thailand, waking up in a graveyard, and breaking her arm doing a combat roll.The fiercely independent housemate left home aged 14 to live on her aunt's farm, where she still lives in a 'wooden cabin' with her own horse and cart. Josie grew up around horses and has travelled to horse fairs across the country. The former naughty schoolgirl was expelled from two schools. She believes in ghosts and claims to see them often.

Age: 25.

From: Bristol.

Occupation: Financial sales rep turned house party MC. She confesses: 'I've lost my game and turned into a loser.'

Love Life: Josie said she is looking to find a husband in the house - and wants some one really funny and really rich.

Likes: Mooning and horses.

Dislikes: The 's**** mobile' she has to drive as well as bullies, attention seekers, moaners and cheats.

Why She Will Annoy Us: The country girl is a mischief-maker which means she could get on people's nerves.


Glamorous Corin is often mistaken for Katie Price thanks to a couple of things they have in common. The motor-mouth, who has 30G breasts, claims she did not try to look like the reality star, she just dyed her hair black and people started calling her 'Katie'. Corin's husband was killed in an accident at work just four months after they were married. From this she learned that life is too short and 'you have to grab it by the short and curlies'.

Age: 29.

From: Stockport.

Occupation: Retail - although her dream job would be a PA for a famous celebrity.

Love Life: Corin is bisexual and has been with her girlfriend for more than two years.

Likes: Being tanned, dying her beauty spots and using hair pieces.

Dislikes: The thought of there being any better looking girls in the house.

Why She Will Annoy Us: The high-maintenance girly girl could clash with others in the house.

Shabby aka Keeley

Shabby moved to London when she was 17 and now lives in a squat. The former child actress turned rebel had an appearance in Black Beauty and lost out to Lindsay Lohan for the starring role in Parent Trap, and now prefers being on the other side of the camera. 'Films shouldn't be escapist - they should hold a mirror up to the world and show it what it's really like,' she says. Describing herself as 'a walking contradiction' and a citizen of the world, she wants to portray squatters in a different light with a shoot planned with Italian Vogue - yet she eats food thrown away by supermarkets. Her mum found out she was a lesbian after catching her with her first girlfriend. She also learned she was an elf in a former life.

Age: 24.

From: London.

Occupation: Film-maker.

Likes: Moving around, poetry, 'giant boobs'.

Dislikes: Public transport, authority figures, being told no, strawberries and mould, Keira Knightley, oppression.

Why She Will Annoy Us: She has an 'inner spoilt brat waiting to get out', and no doubt it will unleash itself in Big Brother.

Yvette aka Sunshine

Describing herself as 'beautiful and intelligent', Yvette reckons she is a welcome addition to the Big Brother House because she is a combination of beauty and brains.

With one year left of her medical degree, she has taken a year out to study medical journalism in London. She said she will be Doctor Sunshine when she graduates and people call her Doctor Sparkle in the hospital where she works now, because she spreads 'sunshine' around the ward. The steadfast Tory wants to be Prime Minister, despite admitting her lack of politics know-how, and has had three near-death experiences, including being mugged at knifepoint in Tunisia, an accidental overdose on anti-malarial drugs in India and being bitten by a poisonous spider in Australia. Although she fancies footballer Ronaldo, she said: 'I would not make a good footballer's wife'.

Age: 24.

From: Peterborough.

Occupation: Medical student.

Love Life: Single.

Likes: Travelling, her pet Chihuahua Tinkerbell and muscular men with brains.

Dislikes: Living with girls because of the arguments.

Why She Will Annoy Us: She gives herself nine out of 10 for both beauty and brains and her constant optimism could grate on viewers.


The Beyonce lookalike, who gazes into the mirror up to 100 times a day 'to check I'm still hot', decided to become a professional impersonator after she was mistaken for the singer at a concert. 'I don't sing, I mime. My agent is always telling me to get voice-coaching and singing lessons but I think Beyonce has got such a great voice I will never be able to sing like her,' she says. Girly Rachael has only a couple of close friends because of her ego, and girls often talk about her behind her back. 'I enjoy confrontation - I stand up for myself and what I believe in,' she adds. Often chatted up by drunk, pretty boys who aren't her type, she reckons she would get booed by the Big Brother crowd: 'I'm not expecting to be adored.' Her nightmare scenario in the house would be if Big Brother took away the mirrors.

Age: 23.

From: Nottingham.

Occupation: Hair stylist/professional Beyonce lookalike

Love Life: Single.

Likes: Checking herself out in the mirror, confrontation, being girly and ladylike.

Dislikes: People judging her by her looks, making the first move, being faithful.

Why She Will Annoy Us: If her mirror habits don't make us want to switch off, her confrontational front might.


Ife (pronounced Iffy) has already had a taste of fame as one of Cheryl Cole's backing dancers but said she doesn't know her 'very well'. A backing vocalist on The X Factor, she now dreams of singing stardom. The religious fanatic, who prays every day, believes in the power of positive thinking. 'You get out of life what you put into it,' she says. Living with her adoptive parents and fiance, she said the most significant event of her life was meeting her real mum, whom she bears no resentment towards, and seeing the resemblance between them in looks, mannerisms and behaviour.

The self-confessed clean freak - who's also an insomniac and sleep talker - can't stand things being dirty and is very particular about how her clothes are folded. She is also a perfectionist when it comes to her image and once stayed indoors for 10 days because she couldn't draw her eyebrows on correctly.

Age: 25.

From: Milton Keynes.

Occupation: Professional dancer.

Love Life: Engaged to her boyfriend of six years.

Likes: Religion, cleanliness, looking good.

Dislikes: Dirt.

Why She Will Annoy Us: If she starts spouting off 'positive words of wisdom', that could be a turn-off.

The Boys


Jack the lad Nathan is no wallflower. He once even walked through Leeds city centre with no clothes on, using only two takeaway menus to hide his modesty. The rugby player claims to be Yorkshire's answer to Liam Gallagher and loves to be the life and soul of the party even though he still lives at home with his grandparents. Nathan, who weighed 17 and a half stone until he was 18, deliberately failed some school exams so he could leave private school for the local comprehensive, where he was always the class clown. He is hoping to put monobrows on the map, and says he is still waiting for former housemate Chanelle Hayes to give him a call after he gave her his number.

Age: 25.

From: Bingley, West Yorkshire.

Occupation: Trainee joiner.

Love Life: Currently single after splitting up with the love of his life but claims he's too much of a lad to commit to anyone.

Likes: Rugby, pranks, Charity Dingle from Emmerdale.

Dislikes: Bigots, intelligent bullies and lying.

Why He Will Annoy Us: He could be a bit of a loudmouth and his constant pranks might begin to grate.


claims to be a likeable, energetic and intelligent guy who flits his home time between Leicester and London. At school he claimed he was surrounded by ignorant youths and was horrified by his classmates and the way they behaved. Even now he believes the youth of today lack any kind of enterprise. He is currently unemployed and is soul searching to discover what he would like to do. Govan has never been in love. He has slept with 10 girls and "0.5" boys and claims to be very sexually curious when it comes to boys. He is going into the house to represent his ethnicity and "bulldoze stereotypes".

Age: 21.

From: Leicester.

Occupation: Voluntary worker.

Love Life: Single, bi-curious and open to everything.

Likes: London.

Dislikes: "Incorrect" opinions, racism and homophobia and stupid people.

Why He Will Annoy Us: Govan admits he is very messy and "can't be bothered with" washing his own clothes or cooking. Even when he is in London he will bring his washing back for his grandmother to do. He plans to tell the housemates that he can't cook in the hope that he won't have to.


John still lives at home with his mum but has his own independence after his dad built him his own granny flat. John has not worked since his father was killed in an industrial accident and he inherited some money. At the age of 20 he changed his name to Achilles; his friend's called him Chills but he soon changed it back. He likes to think he looks like David Beckham because he's a good-looking bloke and he takes care of his appearance, using an anti-ageing light to stop wrinkles so he can keep hold of his looks. John believes he is very persuasive and good with words which means he can convince people to come round to his way of thinking. He admits he will do anything it takes to win the show and believes he will be a good asset to the house as he will be funny and argumentative.

Age: 24.

From: Melbourne, Australia.

Occupation: Retired vehicle body builder.

Love Life: Single but claims girls are too much work. He thinks sex means "making myself feel better".

Likes: Daring people and hot girls.

Dislikes: Wrinkles.

Why He Will Annoy Us: While he claims to be laid back - probably when it comes to doing the chores - he admits he is opinionated.


Steve was injured by a bomb in 1989 while on patrol in Belfast. He lost both of his legs as well as an eye. He now wears a black glass eye which his kids love as he looks like a pirate. Steve says he chooses to wear shorts exposing his metal legs. "I purposely walk around looking the way I do. It's better to be open about who you are." Despite his disability, sporty Steve is a transatlantic yacht racer and recently took part in the Royal Ocean Yacht Race with an amputee crew of ex-servicemen personnel, even though he cannot swim. He is also a volunteer coach for wheelchair basketball.

Steve has been unemployed for the last 20 years but would never want to be behind a desk - he is more of an outdoorsy type. He feels very strongly about, and lobbies for, soldiers who have been injured.

Age: 40.

From: Leicester.

Occupation: Ex-HM Forces.

Love Life: Lives with his second wife of 14 years and has eight children.

Likes: Sports.

Dislikes: Stuck-up, self-opinionated, political people "who think they know a lot about things when they don't".

Why He Will Annoy Us: Steve has a lot of his own opinions to get across and he is not going to sit back quietly if things aren't going his way.


Posh boy Benjamin has already appeared on television in American Princess and Ladette To Lady.

The Conservative supporter is extremely passionate about politics and is obsessed with the Middle East, where he wishes he was from. He has written diary pieces for the Mail On Sunday and The Daily Telegraph, and once told his family he was going to Egypt to write a book although the truth was he was just going on holiday. Benjamin has not told his family and friends that he is going into the Big Brother house, and does not know what to expect from it as he has not watched much of it in the past.

Age: 30.

From: London.

Occupation: Writer and broadcaster.

Love Life: Single - apart from being in two relationships he's not supposed to talk about.

Likes: Politics, the Middle East and getting his hair done.

Dislikes: Admitting to his true age, he likes to claim instead that he is 27.

Why He Will Annoy Us: He is prone to lying because he thinks it makes life more interesting, so watch out for his tall tales.


Christian Minister David found Jesus in 1992 after going off the rails with drink and drugs. He is now settled down with a wife, four children and their dogs, chickens and rabbits, and is so into his religion that he recently organised an extreme religious event on Barry Island called Sloshfest. The Pontypool resident, who says he is funny, bright and likeable when he is relaxed, claims to be able to travel through time and space - and even believes he once visited the sun.

Age: 39.

From: Pontypool, South Wales.

Occupation: Minister.

Love Life: Married with four children.

Likes: Christianity, hunting, fishing and Cardiff City FC.

Dislikes: Drink, drugs or anything that might harm his "Ministerial integrity".

Why He Will Annoy Us: David has promised not to preach but as he is also into UFOs and ghosts he is bound to come out with some outlandish stories.

Mario (wild card contestant)

Born near Venice in Italy Mario is half British and half Italian. He lives in Essex and although now unemployed recently worked in McDonalds. Mario is fascinated by the paranormal and the potential powers of the mind believing "we are all connected by a cosmic force but organized religion isn't relevant or needed". He doesn't believe that love truly exists rather it is 'an enforced emotion of jealously and fear'. He says he has learnt to not wear heart on his sleeve and to trust no-one, he is often the dumper because he likes feeling like a big man. Mario has a phobia of death and aging which means he constantly wears moisturiser and sunblock and always exercises 'to be young and beautiful'. He hates to see animals mistreated but he eats meat. Mario is a massive Big Brother fan and he owns the diary room chair from BB7. His friends say he is a shallow narcissist but he is bored by Paris Hilton/Jordan wannabes. He admits to being vain, saying when he goes to a club even if he doesn't want to pull girls, he still wants to look attractive to them. However, never in Primark - "vampire and destroyer of fashion"

Age: 28

From: Essex

Occupation: Unemployed

Love Life: Unknown

Likes:The paranormal

Dislikes: Seeing animals mistreated

Why He Will Annoy Us: Because he is dressed as a mole
