By Daily Mail Reporter

The turkey baster mover starring Jennifer Aniston is officially a turkey. 'The Switch,' performed badly in its opening weekend at the U.S. box office scoring only eighth place and grossing a mere $8.1 million dollars.
Even Aniston's recent regrettable and forgettable comedy Bounty Hunter with Gerard Butler earned $20 million in its opening weekend.
Reviewers panned the film with Us Weekly's Thelma Adams stating that Aniston 'treads on all-too-familiar ground; there isn't an exasperated hair flip we haven't already seen 100 times.'
The sperm donor film starring the 41-year-old actress and Jason Bateman was no match for the Sylvestser Stallone vehicle The Expendables, which maintained its number one spot for the second weekend running. The film has now grossed $64.9 million.

The Switch was also beaten at the box office by the Twilight spoof Vampires Suck, which grabbed second place with $12.2 million, Bow Wow's Lottery Ticket at number 4 with $11 million and Piranha 3-D at number six with $10 million.
Following this latest flop for the former Friends star, the New York Post contemplated whether Aniston chooses her movies based on what is happening in her life at the time.
The Post notes: 'In her newest movie, The Switch, Aniston plays a character that has no husband or boyfriend, which is decidedly inconvenient considering her time to have a child is running out.
'It's funny, cause that's the exact same situation the real Aniston wakes up to each and every morning (minus the stupendous dimmers that Brad Pitt personally installed in the house they lived in together, and the weighted knowledge that he now has six children that she did not give him).'

Both Aniston's career and her love life have been chequered with her former beaus including Brad Pitt, Vince Vaughn and John Mayer.
Now Aniston is having to talk about a date she went on with American comedian and talk show host Jon Stewart over a decade ago.
Last week, Aniston was a guest on Jon's show, 'The Daily Show' - one of many she went on to plug her movie- when he reminded her of a romantic Italian dinner they shared in New York.
However, they both had conflicting recollections of the evening.
Said Stewart: 'I asked you out and it was lovely. I remember you brought so many of your friends.
'And I remember thinking, "She's so excited to be on a date with me, she wants me to get to know her posse."'
However, Aniston responded: 'If I remember correctly, wasn't it sort of like, "Hey, a group of us are going out, do you want to join?"'
source: dailymail