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Thursday, November 11, 2010

That's going to cost a few bucks: Rampaging deer shatters tables and chairs after leaping into bar through window



Got any ID? The male deer jumped through a window to get into Lee's Bar and Grill in Bluffton, Ohio

Restaurant staff say they have no idea why this male deer decided to pay a visit to a downtown bar.

The buck jumped straight through a window at Luke's Bar and Grill in Bluffton, Ohio, before leaving a trail of destruction through the thankfully empty restaurant.

Staff ran for cover as the large animal struggled to maintain its footing on the slippery hardwood floor, smashing through tables and sending chairs flying.

On the hoof: The buck struggled to keep its footing on the slippery floor and smashed through tables and chairs

Barmaid Danielle Weyer jumped up on to the bar to avoid being run down by the marauding deer.

She said: 'I figured that was the best idea to stay as far away from the deer as possible.

'One customer held up a chair like it was a lion.'

CCTV footage inside the bar captured the terrified creature as it shattered two tables and left puncture holes in the leather chairs from its antlers in a desperate attempt to escape the bar.

Roy Rayle, chef at the restaurant, said he realised he had to free the deer after it stopped in front of the glass back door and looked like it was considering jumping through it again.

He said: 'I don't know if I was scared, it was an adrenaline pumping situation and it was the last think I would have expected.'

Let me out: The terrified animal stands at the back door as if it was considering jumping through the glass again

Freedom! The deer is let out of the back door by a member of staff and bolts across the car park

Unusual customer: Staff inside the bar scrambled to get out of the big animal's way after it made its surprising entrance

Mr Rayle ran around to the back of the bar and attempted to prop open the door so the deer could escape, but was forced to run clear as the powerful animal made a bolt for freedom.

The incident took place at around 2.30pm in the bar on Main Street.

Luke's Bar and Grill has made the best of the situation and launched a drinks offer - on the hoof of course - with two beers available... for a buck.

source: dailymail [endtext]