By Jessica Satherley

Some pop stars try their hardest to disguise their miming on stage, but not Katie Price.
The glamour model, turned fashion designer, turned author, turned pop singer carried out a brazen performance of Free To Love Again on GMTV yesterday morning and admitted she wasn’t even singing.
‘It makes me realise how hard it is to perform and sing, so credit to the performers out there’, she told presenter Emma Crosby.
But at least the star admitted she’s not the greatest singer and joked that the media would no doubt pick up on the fact that she mimed.
Unfortunately even her miming leaves a lot to be desired as she carried on mouthing the lyrics after the track had finished playing.
The 32-year-old’s choice of outfit made sure attention was fixed on her, even if chart success is unlikely.

She wore a shimmering silver top, black PVC trousers, faux fur jacket, skyscraper heels combined with her hair stood on end, Jedward-style.
Katie was accompanied in the Gothic-styled performance by four male dancers, who wore just as much make-up as she did together with leather trousers and corsets .
Along with her admissions regarding her singing, she revealed that she neither wrote nor produced the track.

‘I’m not a singer, this is just something I do for fun….I’m not interested in chart positions or number ones, I’m doing this purely for fun…whether people like it or not I’m doing it’, she said.
Luckily she doesn’t mind how well the song does, because chart figures showed today the surgically-enhanced star will fail to even make the top 40.
Despite her promotional appearances this week to plug the single, midweek chart placings show she is on course to make only number 59 following its release on Monday.
To justify the flop, she told press: ‘I’m doing it because I enjoy doing it, it’s not like my main job and I need to get a number one to get signed up by a record company.

Gennaro Castaldo of music retailer HMV said: ‘Katie Price is obviously a hugely successful celebrity who knows how to engage with her fans, particularly when it comes to her books, DVDs and other merchandise, but some people seem to be drawing a line when it comes to her singing.’
Price is still determined to perform at G-A-Y in London though and isn’t letting her lack of singing talent get her down.
Her debut solo single follows her duet with Peter Andre in 2006 with A Whole New World and had also tried to represent the UK for Eurovision with her song Not Just Anybody but struggled to hit the right notes.