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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Akanishi Jin’s Interview on UTB Channel


On July 11th, UTB channel 18, (United Television Broadcasting System Inc.) aired an interview with Akanishi Jin as he promotes his upcoming You & Jin Concert Tour in September and October.

Interview courtesy of chuengsujun:

Interviewer: Shows over now. What have you been doing?
Jin: Hanging out with dancers and trying to get ready for the tour. I think I’m gonna improve it. Like…writing new songs.
Interviewer: Let’s talk a little about lyrics. Did you write the lyrics?
Jin: Yes, and in LA my friends helped me out. When I’m composing songs, I’m always like…materializing, materializing my image, so like Yellow Gold, my skin color is yellow and my life is gold. Yeah it’s beautiful, yeah the life is beautiful.